FUTURUM - Tsukuba Science Journal <p>FUTURUM- Tsukuba Science Journal is an interdisciplinary academic review journal. Editors consider for publication short and timely contributions in the all field of pure science, applications, and technology. Review, communication, full paper, comments, and archive are accepted.<br>Contributions to FUTURUM must report original research and will be subjected to review by referees at the discretion of the Editors. <br>FUTURUM have undergone peer review, based on editor screening. <br>FUTURUM as an open access journal has been launched by University of Tsukuba Library Project since 2016 (No 8, Goto Project).</p> <p>FUTURUM, infinite journal, keeps walking to future.</p> en-US futurum@tulips.tsukuba.ac.jp (Dr. Hiromasa Goto) futurum@tulips.tsukuba.ac.jp (University of Tsukuba Library) Fri, 09 Aug 2019 05:12:19 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Blend Electrolyte Solution Showing Smectic A for Electro-synthesis of π-Conjugated Polymer <p>(S)-4-Cyano-4'-(4,8-dimethylnonyl)biphenyl abbreviated as DM9CB was synthesized. A chiral liquid crystal blend system (LC-blend) of octyloxycyanobiphenyl (8OCB)/DM9CB was prepared, although DM9CB shows no liquid crystal phase alone at room temperature. The LC blend shows a chessboard-like texture under polarizing microscopy (POM) observations at 43 ℃. This chessboard-like texture is assigned to smectic A phase with layer structure. Electrochemical polymerization in this LC-blend system produces π-conjugated polymer having smectic order.</p> Haoyue Shen, Masashi Otaki, Hiromasa Goto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 16 Jan 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Simultaneous Polymerization-dyeing for Helical Vessels via Oxidative Coupling with Bach Reaction <p>Azo dyes are essential to our lives and are synthesized by coupling reactions. In this research, we carried out dyeing of helical vessels with an azo polymer. The polymer thus synthesized in this study was characterized with infrared absorption and UV-vis absorption spectroscopy measurement. We observed the surface structure of the helical vessels coated with the azo polymer with optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).</p> Kyoka Komaba, Hiromasa Goto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 24 Jul 2019 00:00:00 +0000 An Attempt of Double Step Polymerization of 3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene in Cholesteric Liquid Crystal <p>Double step polymerization combining chemical oligomerization and electrochemical polymerization of 3,4-ethyelenedioxythiophene was carried out in cholesteric liquid crystal to produce optically active poly(3,4-ethylenedixoythiphene). Polarizing optical microscopy was carried out to investigate the polymer film.</p> Naoto Eguchi, Hiromasa Goto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 25 Jul 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Conductive polymer composites prepared in volcanic spring water <p>Polyaniline (PANI)/vinylon composite was prepared with 2-step process.The composite structure was confirmed with the FT-IR. PANI/spider silk composite was synthesized in volcanicspring water. The preparation of the composite can be carried out with no addition of sulfuric acid because natural acid type volcanicspring water functions as acid reagent for the polymerization reaction. This polymerization is promising for industrial applications for production of polyaniline.</p> Akiko Yatsu, Hiromasa Goto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Nov 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Isothianaphthene-Based Polymer with Triple Chiral Side Chains <p>Methine bridged conjugated polymers have low-bandgaps. This paper reports synthesis of methine-bridged type polyisothianaphthene bearing triple optically active substituents. We introduce chirality to the polymer. The polymer expects three advantages 1) main-chain low-bandgap, 2) isothianaphthene monomer repeat unit to show effective low-bandgap, 3) and good film forming property with chirality through good molecular packing. Infrared and UV-vis optical absorption measurements are carried out to confirm molecular structure.</p> Kyoka Komaba, Hiromasa Goto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0000 An Attempt to Prepare Flexible–Strong Conductive Fiber with Bagworm Silk <p>Bagworm silk is the strongest biofiber to date. In this research, we prepared bagworm silk/polypyrrole<br>composite by oxidative polymerization as an attempt for preparation of flexible–strong textiles. Characters of<br>the composite thus synthesized in this study were evaluated with infrared absorption (IR) spectroscopy, scanning<br>electron microscopy (SEM), electron spin resonance (ESR) and conductivity measurement.</p> Kyoka Komaba, Noriko Hayashi, Eiji Tokgawa, Hiromasa Goto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 15 Sep 2020 07:28:56 +0000 Vinylon Prepared in Spring Water and Vinylon/Polyethylenedioxythiophene Composite <p>In this research, we prepared vinylon synthesized in spring water from Zao. Furthermore, vinylon/poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) composite was prepared with vinylon synthesized in spring water. The compounds thus synthesized in this study were evaluated with infrared absorption (IR) spectroscopy measurements and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations.</p> Kyoka Komaba, Hiromasa Goto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 11 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000